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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 7. 1966.



When Mr. Godfrey arrived for his first lecture of the term in Political Studies III, a group of about 50 students, backed by the students' association, were waiting. Two NZSPA reporters were eyewitnesses at the scene.

The students sang, played guitars and called for Mr. Godfrey's expulsion. Lecturer Bill Mandle took the class of three up to his study, but the demonstrators followed them up to the landing.

Mr. Mandle called the police to remove the students. The police request to. vacate the building was refused and when a second group of police arrived. they proceeded to eject the students bodily.

Richard Northey, son of Auckland's law professor, was hauled feet first down the stairs, NZSPA reported. He was then pulled to his feet by a constaple and thrown on a concrete path.

Mr. Wood challenged the constable: "How dare you! I've never seen police treat people in such a manner."

"Well, you have now, mate," was the reply.

Mr. Mandle asked the police to hold off until the head of the department (Professor R. M. Chapman) arrived. Professor Chapman spoke to the students privately. telling them any resistance would make the scene uglier.

"We have made our point," he added.

The next day the student executive drafted a letter to Mr. Maidment asking him clarify the status of Mr. Godfrey and asking what attitude

Continued On Page 3 See "Nz-Wide Reaction"