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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 8. 1966.

Voting Age: Students See Kirk

Voting Age: Students See Kirk

Salient Reporter

A Deputation of six students recently called on the Leader of the Opposition. Mr. Kirk, to present their views on the proposed legislation giving votes to minors serving in the armed forces in "danger zones."

While members of the delegation (Messrs. Easton, Hirschfield, Shand, Bertram, Saunders and Miss E. Shank land) presented their case against the bill, which would give votes to certain members in the armed forces under 21 Mr. Kirk listened silently, elbows on desk.

Easton claimed the legislation was a breach of our fundamental democratic principles.

And that the Labour Party should oppose the legislation on these grounds.

However. Mr. Kirk pointed out the Labour Party had done a similar thing during the second world war.

He suggested instead of demonstrating, students should prepare submissions for the Statutes Revision committee, giving the case against the bill.