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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 7. 19 April 1972

The Raft race

page 7

The Raft race

Procesh Takes to the waves in The Raft Race

Wellingtonians are now preparing themselves for the annual Students Capping week when all involved unwind for the term and make pigs of themselves. From what is being offered, this year looks like being no exception. Big news of the week is that Procesh is off. The organising Capping Committee blame it on student apathy. However ever anxious to please, they have instituted or should we say re-instituted a Raft Race. This is penciled in for Thursday 4th May, at the Car park by the Freyberg Pool. The Prize of $50 for the winning raft seems to be generous enough to ensure a large participating fleet. Exactly how many finish the course remains to be seen.

Those hardy souls who insist on drinking their share during Capping week may have to go without this year. Despite widespread enquiries the Capping Committee has failed to come up with a venue for Splash. Salient's suggestion that this be an appropriate opening to the Earth's Science building seems to be ignored. The Drinking Horn is on though, and teams of 8 from each of the faculties are now being assembled. Science students are convinced that this year they will finally break the monopoly held by the Law students in this event, but the real excitement will be as always, whether or not the Commerce Fac. can avoid winning the Wooden spoon. A pie-eating contest should come off in conjunction with this. The events will take place sometime in Capping week, but true to form the capping committee has not yet organised when.

Stunts are again encouraged during Capping, and this year the Capping Committee is offering a prize of $50 for what they think is the [unclear: best] stunt. It is important to realise, intending stunters, that all stunts must be approved by the Capping Committee (forms at Studass Office), before either the Stud Ass will acknowledge your efforts or consider you eligible for the prize.

The Treasure Hunt is bound to be a very popular event, with entries apparently promised from far and wide. A first prize of $25 for the most original or daring article to be placed in the quad, out—side Rankine Browne on a date and time yet to be finalised (possibly Wednesday 3rd May) at 9.30 am) makes it worthwhile haying a go. It is rumoured that Hart and Care would be very happy to subsidise First prize should it be the Door to the NZ Rugby Unions Office in the Huddart Parker Building. (If it goes missing at least the ball boys will know where to come looking!) Students with keen minds may recall the shit thrown by the army, when their entire fleet of Landrovers went missing from Waiouru. It was just bad luck they turned up in the Auckland Treasure Hunt, and even worse luck for those who flogged them that they forgot to check the oil and water before they headed North.

The highlight of Capping promises to be the Capping Ball, held on Saturday 29th of April limed just right for Bursary payouts) and from all reports it promises to be a sell out. Grad Balls (not for students) will be held after the Graduation ceremonies on the 3rd and 4th May.

The Capping Committee this year is: John Mowbray (Controller & Drinking Horn) Scott Tattersall, Chris Weir (Balls) Tom Montague, Don Turley, and Boris Creevac (Stunts, Raft Tace & Treasure Hunt.) Keith Johnson (Dinners) Finally the fantastic publicity cartoons have been done by John Cullinane, proof that Capping can occasionally produce someone with ability.
