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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 7. 19 April 1972

Liberals jog and. .

page break

Liberals jog and. . .

1.Liberals find pornography "boring."
2.Liberals stopped wearing "Ban The Bomb" pins Now they wear "Give A Damn" buttons.
3.Liberals argue over what actually happened at the Yalta Conference.
4.Liberals build bookcases out of cinder blocks.
5.Liberals give wine and cheese-tasting parties.
6.Liberals quote Camus.
7.Liberals don't mind criticism so long as it's constructive.
8.Liberals attend Bergman festivals.
9.Liberals drive Volkswagens, particularly if they are Jewish.
10.Liberals often say "ciao" instead of "goodbye."
11.Liberals say they buy Playboy because it has such good articles.
12.Liberals point out Freudian slips.
13.Liberals read The Whole Earth Catalogue'
14.Liberals never eat white bread, except at the weekend. Liberals eat Vogel bread.
15.Liberals introduce a Maori acquaintance as 'my friend ......'
16.Liberals check Consumer Reports before buying anything.
17.Liberals read prefaces.
18.Liberals play the recorder.
19.Liberals admire you for having views opposite to theirs.
20.Liberals stick "Elect Linus" bumper stickers to the bumpers of their Volkswagens.
21.Liberal Christmas presents usually begin: "A contribution has been made in your name to the. . ."
22.Liberals are always careful to say "AfroAmerican."
23.Liberals think it's good for men to express their emotions.
24.Liberals like the Beatles because they're baroque. Liberals try to like the Stones. Liberals have never heard of Mott the Hoople.
25.Liberal parents encourage their children to call them by first name.
26.Liberals favor planned parenthood.
27.Liberals approve of premarital intercourse. In fact, they call it that.
28.Liberals know all the verses to "We Shall Overcome."
29.Liberals think the Village Voice is an underground newspaper.
30.Liberals know enough not to say "reefer" or "Mary Jane."
31.Liberals think Pogo is funny. Liberals never miss 'Peanuts'
32.Liberals wear cuff links made from actual Roman coins.
33.Liberals try not to watch television
34.Liberals believe in natural childbirth and breastfeeding. Liberal mothers nurse their babies in front of friends as often as possible.
35.Liberals own Siamese cats with clever names usually drawn from mythology.
36.Liberals are still interpreting Marshall McLuhan.
37.Liberals own separate-component stereo systems.
38.Liberals take photographs of slums.
39.Liberals have posters in their kitchen.
40.Liberals always buckle their seatbelts, cinch their shoulder straps, and adjust their head supports.
41.Liberals try to appreciate electronic music.
42.Liberals talk about the 'counterculture'.
43.Liberals know the difference between origami, kirigami, and ikebana.
44.Liberals send UNICEF Christmas cards which wish one "Season's Greetings" in five different languages. If Liberals don't send UNICEF Christmas cards, they send reproductions of 13th c. woodcuts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in which they write "PAX."
45.Liberals have moral reservations about neutering their cats.
46.Liberals paint their walls white.
47.Liberals keep their pencils in Dundee Orange Marmalade jars.
48.Liberals smoke Amphora in their Peterson pipes
49.Liberals let their children see them nude.
50.Liberals think handmade sandals and hand-woven Mexican shoulder bags are hip.
51.Liberals have "outgrown" pot.
52.Liberals believe we should pull out of Vietnam. Four years ago, they believed that it was "an immoral war" but weren't quite certain how to resolve it.
53.Liberals wear wireframe sunglasses
54.Liberals attend writers' conferences.
55.Liberals have 'hang-ups'.

Photos of protestors against the Vietnam War

Photo of a woman

Volkswagon beatle

Diagrams showing how to positiona diaphragm

Photo of Stalin and other officials

Portrait of a man

Give a damn


Cartoon of a boy holding a blanket

Family photo

Photo of the Beatles

Record player

Chariots of the gods?

Mother breast feeding a baby

Joe Cool

Cartoon strip

Cartoon of an angel

Flowering plant

decorated woven bag

Spiralling down arrow

Cup full of pencils


Volkswagon beatle


Cover of New Approaches to sex in marriage


tiger artwork

Consumer bulletin front page

Cattle baron

Artwork of a gun fight