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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, No. 2. August 7, 1974

Jokers Wild

Jokers Wild

Dear Sir,

"Worried Singaporean' is a first clan coward. I wonder who he is really. I do not even know his name. In Malaysia, especially in the Malay Kampong fable, cowards and sons and daughters of cowards are born without name. Maybe. 'Worried Singaporean' is one of them. So why blame him for not signing his name.

I know David Tan and his friends are real jokers. You should have been in one of David Tan's jokes sessions. You laugh your stomach out, but he is definitely not a comedian. It thus appears that 'Worried Sinaporean' does not even know how to differentiate what is a comedian and what is a joker. Or, maybe, he is over complimenting David Tan.

Mohd Yaccob