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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, No. 2. August 7, 1974

As an individual!

As an individual!

Dear Sir,

In reply to 'Worried Singaporean'.

1)'Worried Singaporean' should not jump to Instant and impulsive conclusions without first digesting his facts. The prime objective of his so-called unabashed concern for liberty freedom and basic rights remains very much to be questioned. One glance (not even needing a second one) at his letter reveals two very glaring truths — his insincerity and his malicious intent.
2)I have my doubts about 'Worried Singaporean' being a Singapore student. If he is one, he should have known better as to the environmental, internal security and political reasons leading to the arrest of the 35 alleged members of the MBLF. Our very own vivid experience on racial riots and history have taught us that a young Republic like Singapore, with its multiracial complexity cannot afford the type of democracy and freedom of opinion that we are privileged and fortunate enough to experience in New Zealand.
3)People like 'Worried Singaporean who play on irrelevant sensitive issues must realise that the responded consequences are just far too great a price to pay. Any issue clouded with pettiness and rancour should best be avoided.
4)'Worried Singaporean' may wish to have his misunderstanding of Khoo's case enlightened. My protest against the arrest of Khoo by the Malaysian Government was based primarily on just one main point, i.e. the three charges against Khoo were not sufficient enough to warrant his arrest as they were all related to Khoo's activities outside Malaysia. The application of the Malaysian Internal Security Act on Khoo will therefore mean an application far beyond the legal territorial area of Malaysia. However, if on the other hand, the Malaysian Government could furnish concrete evidence on Khoo's arrest being instituted on his leftist activities in Malaysia, then I will choose not to question their decision.

David Tan

(As an individual, not as President of MSSA)

M. C. Escher artwork featuring fish and birds called Sky and Water