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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 6. April 3 1978



Do you want a pen friend in Japan?

Jinko Sadano, a 19 year old female student interested in tennis and other sports, cooking and listening to records, would like to correspond in English with a 19—20 year old boy.

Yastomi Nakaura a 20 year old male hairdresser interested in drawing and music would like to correspond in English with a young girl.

Both these people have sent postal coupons, If you are interested contact Salient.

A German girl is looking for a penfriend here in New Zealand. Her English is not the best but it is understandable. If interested write to:

Ingrid Cohrs

Soltauer Chasseu 51 2150 Buxtehude West Germany