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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 6. April 3 1978

A Downer on Labour

A Downer on Labour

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the comments of "Dal I Larma" in Salient of March 27 on your political correspondent's view of the state of Kiwi politics.

It's about time to expose "Dal I Larma" as a tool of the media power clique presently occupying staff positions in the Labour Party. This person's comments are silly, silly, silly. They are just as bad as Wybrows latest verbal diahorrea over the leaking of information on labour's poor finances.

Your letter writer says "the correspondent shows his ignorance best in his attack on the labour Party and then goes on to give helpful support to Mick Connelly (a wanker from [unclear: work] back). Hell's teeth, why support dottering old fellows like Rowling, Connelly, Tizard etc.

Jeez. With this calibre of support around, no wonder Labour will be the next government. Wake up you little people. Be decent, nice and sensible like all good fuckwits who vote Labour.

Yours in incoherence

talking about Labour, Abuso (Act I of I)