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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 6. April 3 1978

S.R.C. Coordinator

S.R.C. Coordinator

This again is a very important position, as the S.R.C. Coordinator is responsible for the publicity of S.R.C., and ensuring that the student representatives attend meetings and follow Association policy.

There has been much criticism that the Council reps do not know what is coming through the Professorial Board or from any of the faculties. Also representatives often are not fully aware of the Association's position on an issue. This makes our policy stands very inconsistant. The main S.R.C. Officers should also be coordinated, in that their campaigns, forums, etc., tend to clash.

Publicising S.R.C.'s and encouraging people to attend meetings includes producing and distributing a leaflet (we would show you how to lay it out), and perhaps painting a paper banner and anything else you can come up with. Honorarium is $300.00 per annum. Again, this is an excellent job for coming to terms with what's going on.