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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 6. April 3 1978

Smallbore Rifles

Smallbore Rifles

This club exists to further interest in 22 calibre target shooting. It has teams entered in all grades of the local interclub competition, most individual members also travel to championship meetings and we always have a team participating for the ICI shield at Winter tournament, the club usually achieving a fair measure of success in all three fields.

New members are welcome, and there are sufficient numbers of experienced rifle people willing to encourage and coach you. Rifles and all other equipment are provided by the club, which has no subscription for its student members.

The club shoots every Monday night during the season (Feb-Oct) at the Wellington Association Range. Mt. Albert Park, Russell Terrace, Newtown. The first shot is free so contact Richard (861-539) or Dave (729-438) if interested.