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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 23

Appendix No. 1

page 38

Appendix No. 1.

Table showing Total Values of Imports and Exports, from the Year 1841 to 1884 inclusive.

Year. Total Value.
Imports. Exports.
£ £
1841 133,358 17,717
1842 253,989 25,070
1843 191,207 53,945
1844 111,619 49,648
1845 116,811 76,911
1846 155,475 82,656
1847 202,355 45,485
1848 233,844 44,215
1849 254,680 130,662
1850 240,204 115,416
1851 349,540 84,160
1852* 167,205 81,230
1853 597,828 303,282
1854 891,201 320,891
1855 813,460 365,868
1856 710,869 318,433
1857 992,995 369,395
1858 1,141,273 458,023
1859 1,551,030 551,484
1860 1,548,333 588,953
1861 2,493,811 1,370,247
1862 4,626,082 2,422,734
1863 7,024,674 3,485,405
1864 7,000,655 3,401,667
1865 5,594,977 3,713,218
1866 5,894,863 4,520,074
1867 5,344,607 4,644,678
1868 4,985,748 4,429,198
1869 4,976,126 4,224,860
1870 4,639,015 4,822,756
1871 4,078,193 5,282,084
1872 5,142,951 5,190,665
1873 6,464,687 5,610,371
1874 8,121,812 5,251,269
1875 8,029,172 5,828,627
1876 6,905,171 5,673,465
1877 6,973,418 6,327,472
1878 8,755,663 6,015,700
1879 8,374,585 5,743,126
1880 6,162,011 6,352,692
1881 7,457,045 6,060,866
1882 8,609,270 6,658,008
1883 7,974,038 7,095,999
1884 7,663,888 7,091,667

* Province of New Ulster only.