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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 76


Should I again contest a seat in Parliament, and be successful, I shall do my best to initiate or support the following measures. My general policy may, however, be described in five words; it is, "Distribution as opposed to Concentration."

Knowing, as we do, that all our material well-being comes from the land, my constant attention will be given to every measure affecting its occupation and use. Land ought to be placed in such a position that every one can, if they think proper, acquire a freehold. Therefore, I shall support any measure having for its object the easy acquisition of land.

To get the best results from land, a good and firm title is absolutely necessary; consequently, I shall always be a staunch advocate of freehold tenure. I would, as is now done, let people take up land on lease, but every Crown leaseholder—except lessees of reserves—ought to have the right to convert his leasehold into a freehold. I would give him every facility for doing this, and I shall be strongly opposed to any measure that will in the least degree shake confidence in the freehold tenure.