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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One

[Declaration of James Wathen Preece]

[Declaration of James Wathen Preece]

Declaration of J. W. Preece. I James Wathen Preece of Auckland in the Province of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand a duly Licensed Interpreter under the Native Lands Act 1867 do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:—1. That I was present together with George Winter of Auckland in the Province aforesaid and clerk a male adult and did see Ngatai and Hori Rakena Pokai mentioned and described in the within deed duly sign and execute the said deed. 2. That the signatures "Ngatai Ruinga" and "Hori Rakena Pokai" set and subscribed to the said within written Deed are of the proper handwriting of the said Ngatai and Hori Rakena Pokai respectively. 3. That the signatures J. W. Preece and Geo. Winter set and subscribed to the within written deed as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof of, the proper handwriting of the said George Winter and me this declarant. 4. That immediately before the execution of the said deed by the said Ngatai and Hori Rakena Pokai I did interpret the same to them into the Maori language Fine paid, April 9/73, defaced stamp duty, 2/6. and that my translation was correct and was understood by them. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "the Justices of the Peace Act 1866."

J. W. Preece.

Made and declared at Shortland in the Province aforesaid The Twenty Fifth day of February One thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, Before me—

E. W. Puckey,

A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand.