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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One



1846. 10 June.Waikato District.The writing of this deed on the 10th of June One thousand eight hundred and forty six Ramarama. is the consent for us the Chiefs and people of Ngatitamaoho the people of the place where this deed is written being also the consent of the Queen of England on her part: Now these Chiefs and people agree to sell this land to Queen Victoria in consideration of the sum of £200, three head of cattle and harness for four head four horses three saddles and bridles one hundred and fifty double blankets one dray one pair of harrows one plough and one set of cart harness now given to the Chiefs and people: They therefore cede and give up to Victoria the Queen of England and to the Kings or Queens who may succeed her for ever that land and all thereto belonging of which these are the boundaries: On the East a stream called Hingaia as far as Mahgatawhiri; on the South Waikato as far as Te Rere; on the West the boundary of Pukekohe to Waitapaka; on the North Manukau to the head of Papakura the plan of land is on the back hereof.

Witness our signatures and marks.



Correct Translation.

T. E. Young,
Translator, Native Department.

1846. 30 November.Receipt for money and goods. We have received all the things mentioned in this deed, to wit: £200, three head of cattle and harness for four head four horses three saddles and bridles one hundred and fifty double blankets one dray one pair of harrows one plough and one set of cart harness we therefore sign our names this 30th November 1846.



Correct Translation.

T. E. Young,
Translator, Native Department.