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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One


page 272


1842. 14 September.Auckland District.This Deed made the 14th day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, between Kawan and Reweti Tamaki Manukau Road. Chiefs and men of the Ngatiwatua Tribe of the one part and Victoria Queen of England of the other part whereas the said Chiefs and men of the Ngatiwatua Tribe are the Absolute owners of the lands hereinafter described and whereas the said Chiefs and men have agreed to sell the said lands Receipt for £40. to Queen Victoria Now this deed witnesseth that in consideration of forty Pounds money given to the said Chiefs and men of the Ngatiwatua Tribe the said Chiefs and men do hereby sell and convey unto Victoria the Queen and her Successors of England for ever all that land with the appurtenances thereof situated on one side of the Great Boundaries. [200 acres.] Road leading to Onehunga a hole dug in the earth is the boundary on the East the Southern boundary is from the hole aforesaid in a straight line to the swamp called Te Puia the boundary on the north and West is the land before sold to the Governor by Kawau and his Tribe. The estimated extent of the land now sold is two hundred acres a plan of which is drawn on the back hereof with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging.

See our names and Signs.
The sign of x Kawau.
" of x Reweti Tamari.
Ko te kene tangaroa.
George Clarke.

Signed by the said Kawau ana Reweti Tamaki in the presence of—
Edward Shortland.
Thomas S. Forsaith.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, September 22nd; 1874.