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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One

[Deed Receipts—No. 32.]

Deed Receipts—No. 32.

Mahurangi and Tamaki Blocks.

Akarana, Pepueri 2, 1844
1844. 2 February.Mahurangi and Tamaki.Kua riro mai i a matou e rua kau na te Kawaha hei utu mo Mahurangi Kotahi hoiho Receipt for cattle. kua riro mai mo Tamaki.

William Jowett.


Auckland, February 2nd, 1844.
1844. 2 February.Mahurangi and Tamaki.Receipt.Received by us from the Governor two Cows as payment for Mahurangi; also one Horse for the Tamaki.

William Jowett.

A True Transcript of Office Copy of Original Receipt.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 7th, 1876,