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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 9.

Massey v. Victoria

Massey v. Victoria.

A scratch team drawn from Senior A, B and Junior players went up from Victoria to play Massey during the vacation. In wonderful weather and before a fair crowd the game proved to be hard and fast. Massey were definitely superior, backs and forwards combining well, and hooking the ball in most of the scrums. Three tries early in the game made things look black for Victoria. Turnbull opened the scoring for Victoria and Mason missed a sitting shot right under the posts. The score at half time was 14—3, Massey's favour.

In the second spell Massey tried considerably and Victoria pressed hard. Redwood scored after the ball had been passed in from the wing, and Hoy added the major points. This brought the score up to 14-8. Considering the adverse circumstances under which the team went as a whole they performed well. At full back, Hoy gave a faultless exhibition, and Redwood, as half, was responsible for many good movements. Turnbull was a great asset to the team, being very safe on defence and just as sound on attack. The forwards played well as a pack, Meads and Rasmussen showing up well in the line-out. Cuncliffe played a useful game as loose forward, while the balance of the pack toiled hard without being brilliant. Taking everything into consideration, it was a most enjoyable game.