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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 9.

Goshul Searchlight (hic !)

Goshul Searchlight (hic !).

A dinner and dance were held after the game in honour of the visitors. Of the two the latter was perhaps enjoyed the most by members of the team. Edgley, although still "Kean," managed to remain faithful—at least, that's his story. Mason came without a partner, but managed to enjoy himself with other people's. Jeffs was on top form as a "Lady Killer," and even a hot water bottle in his pocket did not dampen his passions. (Ed.—I was assured that this last word was the correct one to use.)

Some of the other members of the team were not to be seen very often during the evening, and it is not known whether this was a good point or a bad point. Still—who would want to stay inside on such night, with such a moon! Ruth, Joy, Nan, and Maisie, and all the others didn't want to—and, after all, one does not get tired after a mere game of football. The music was good, the supper was good, but er—the partners weren't "good"! So what better combination could you wish for? Many thanks, Massey, for your great hospitality, and when you come down Victoria will repay you.