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Victoria University of Wellington. Extravaganza 1958. "The Paye Off."

5 The Futurity Stakes

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5 The Futurity Stakes

Act I—Scene 5: Athletic Park—the muted roar of 20,000 western bank fans cheering. Curtain goes up to reveal Athletic Park and the twenty-thousand cheering spectators.

I dreamed last night I died and went to heaven
And by some chance I had got there just too late.
The reason was the Saints were at the football,
And Saint Peter had of course shut the gate.

1 Dickie
Working Man—Surprise Ending
Tony Ferrers
2 Dannie
Unconcern—Watch & Wait
Jack Griffiths
3 Gritpipe
Des Deacon
4 Moriarty
Count Thighs—Dark Knight
Terry Corbett
5 Phogbound
Uncle Sam—Mighty Dollar
Peter Adamspage break
6 Prudence
Rare Charm—Equipage
Sharon Thompson
7 Flunkey
White Tie—Tails
Murray Peddie
8 Walter
Benefactor—Late Run
Phillip Levy
9 Haybale Cowyard Sydenham—Bloomers Margo Sutherland
10 Patricia
Safe Bet—Ngatawa
Robina McGechan
11 Diana
Janice Fraser
12 Eccles
Idiot—Gay Jinx
Julian Watts
13 Nordie
Gold Peril—Sterling Loan
Tony Chapple
14 Holyoake
Faded Dream—Distant Days
Barry Kingpage break
15 Josephine
Swaps—Romantic Maid
Elizabeth Beck
16 Policeman
Royal Warrant—Night
John Tannahill
17 Bali Hopeful
Stewards Nightmare—Swabs Aversion
Doug Jenkins Rex Kerr

Footballers: Andrew Brown, Peter Sullivan, Trevor Roger, Warren Petrie, Charles Smith, Leslie Goodman, David Lind-Mitchell, Trevor Beyer, Bob Boyd, Ron Pemberton, Bill Kitching, Ross Barnett, Don Clarke, Len Clifford, Rex Kerr.

Spectators: Diane Benge, Angela Soures, Beverly Carnell, Beatrice Block, Alison Laurie, Vanessa Galvin, Ruth Burton, Brenda Hitchens, Jan Leathern, Jean Roberts, Pamela Tong, Mary Douglas, Alison Rait, Peter Thompson, Adrienne Dwight, John Baylis, Garry Thomas, Betsy Andrews, Christine Ward, Colin Clarke, Mike Lescher, David Laws.

Phans: Nevenka Hegedus, Beverley Bourke.