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Victoria University of Wellington. Extravaganza 1958. "The Paye Off."

Teddy Girls' Song

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Teddy Girls' Song

Send them back to Dixon Street
Oh send them back to Dixon Street
Though their hair needed groomin'
They were darn nearly human
They were practically complete
Send them back to Dixon Street
Let 'em loose, let 'em loose
Send 'em back to Dixon Street
They were loud-mouthed and noisy
They were 'boys will be boys-y '
But the girls were at their feet
They were mixed up and funny
But they loved spending money
When they stood us girls a treat
They were lewd, they were lousy
But they played 'Housey, Housey'
In a way that's hard to beat
They were not known as thinkers
But they went well as drinkers
They preferred their milkshakes neat
They were tall, short or tubby
They were long nailed and grubby
But their hands weren't obsolete.